Saturday, December 2, 2017

Speaking In Public - How Not To Be Nervous

I recently did a little bit of public speaking and I noticed I am getting better at it. I am not a pro. Yet. But it was a lot worse couple years ago. I have been doing some things to help me improve.

1. Drink (no, I am not talking about alkohol)

I hated when I had mouth so dry that I couldn't speak when I was nervous. Little bit of water can help you with that. Also cold water can calm you down a little.

2. Use chopstick

Just like drinking, it will help you speak. Speaking with dry lips is so hard.

3. Workout before

It will calm you down. And if you can't workout in the morning before your speach, you can at least walk a little or strech.

4. Stop with coffein for the day

I usually drink so much coffee until my hands are shaking. But that is not what you want when you have to speak in public.

5. Mantras
Just say to yourself "I will be amazing" or "nobody cares enough to judge me", and you will eventualy start to belive it.

6. Make sure that you know what you're talking about

Be prepared for a questions, so you don't have to worry about that.

7. Try to look your best self

Just make sure you have nothing between your teeth, wear something that you're comfortable and attractive in, don't experiment with your makeup too much.

8. Have a pen in hand
You can play with it and it will relase your nervosity.

Hope this helped you! Have a great day.